

By Cryolab | Created on July 23, 2018

Cryolab Eersel, founded in 1997, is engaged with research, extending, storage and dis- tribu on of canine semen.


Collecting and freezing semen in the week of the WDS 2018 (including Saturday and Sunday) for special prices:

  • Collecting and freezing: €250
  • Collecting and freezing second me, same day: €150
  • Storage per dog per year: €78.50

Please contact us by email (info@cryolab.nl) or telephone (+31497745562) during o ce hours to make an appointment for collec ng and freezing.

Cryolab Eersel, founded in 1997, is engaged with research, extending, storage and dis- tribu on of canine semen. The purpose of examining semen is to give a good es mate of the fer lizing capacity. When the semen has a good quality, it can be extended in 2 ways: chilled preserva on at 4 degrees, preserving its quality up to 5 days as well as by freezing and storage at -196 degrees Celsius making it lifelong sustainable. The extended semen can safely be delivered by us worldwide and we have acquired a lot of experience in expor- ng frozen canine semen to quaran ne countries. We collaborate with a number of other semen banks in various countries.

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